Friday, 23 December 2011

Another cool Easter egg - type "askew" in the search bar and the screen tilts to one side. It may not be as cool as snow on your computer screen but it is worth a try.
Google Easter eggs are nothing new though. A popular one, since early November, was the barrel roll trick - type "do a barrel roll" in the search bar and the screen takes a complete 360-degree tumble before your eyes.
These playful tricks make the festive season even more exciting.
Here are some hilarious comments, from Twitter, made by users:
"Search LET IT SNOW in Google. Touch tongue to screen. It'll stick like in A Christmas Story...Kidding! (You'll just get mercury poisoning.)," tweeted Artemis Loud.
Sumit tweeted: "I hate this Google, after every 15minutes my GF is asking me to search 'Let It Snow' and shouting 'aww: D it's so romantic.'"
Spartan wrote "@FlirtyJo I ordered snow online for the 23rd. Let's hope there is no delay in the delivery #HolidaySchedules."
Finally, another user, Carole Barrowman tweeted: "Type 'Let it snow' into Google. Watch your screen frost up. Same thing happens to my car windows. Somehow digitally it's way cooler."

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