Friday, 23 December 2011

have a functional website as ur wallpaper

Wallpapers are probably the first thing which we get bored of in our computers. Most of us have an image or Windows Dreamscene as wallpaper, but instead of having them, why not stand ahead of the crowd and have a functional website as your cool wallpaper in Windows?

A desktop showing a functional website as a wallpaper

All you need to do is:-
  1. Right Click on Desktop.
  2. Go to Properties.
  3. Click on Desktop tab. Select Customize Desktop.
  4. Under the Web tab, click New.
  5. Type the complete URL in the URL tab including 'http://'.
  6. Click OKOK and OK again to apply the changes.

 Maximize the small window that opens on desktop and your desktop will look like one in the image.

Try it on your PC and show it to your friends to impress them. They will be surprised to see this new type of wallpaper on your computer. I did this on my friend's PC and he was too overwhelmed with this that he could not even speak a word.

google tricks

google's engineers love to hide some pretty cool tricks at the most unexpected places. Add to that Google's policy of giving 20% of working time to its engineers to do what they want, and you have a search engine filled with lots of entertaining Easter eggs and tricks.

Sadly, most of these tricks are still a secret, but every now and then, Google employees leak these cool insider pranks and the whole world gets to know about them. Here, I have created a list of some of the best such Google tricks and Easter eggs.
Google Tricks
Are you a fan of ASCII art? Google surely is. Search Google for ASCII art and Google will greet you with a  search results page having an ASCII version of the Google logo at the place where normal logo should have been.

Askew or Tilt
Ever had the chance of searching Google for Askew or Tilt? If you have, then you already know what comes up. If you haven't, do it now and you will see the search results page literally tilt to give you a better idea of what these words mean. This will work only if you use latest browsers which support HTML5 and CSS3. So, Internet Explorer users, use Firefox or Google Chrome for a while to use this.

Do a barrel roll
Google Tricks, Easter Eggs and Secrets
'Do a barrel roll' in its true sense means to do a 360 degree spin. Google takes practical demonstrations way too seriously for this one and literally spins the search results page to give you a clearer idea of the meaning of this phrase. Don't believe me? Go search Googlefor Do a barrel roll now and see your world turn around.

This Easter egg is apparently a tribute to Star Fox, a video game series developed by Nintendo, because searching Google for Z or R Twice also does the barrel roll, just like in Star Fox. Many bloggers interpreted a lot of different things from this, but Google clarified that this fun trick was created by a Google Engineer solely for the purpose of entertaining users along with showing the power of new HTML5 and CSS3 technologies. Like the previous Easter egg, this will only work in modern browsers.

Google Calculator Easter Eggs: The loneliest number
Do you know which is the loneliest number? Ask Google Calculator. Search Google for the loneliest number and the in-search Google Calculator will give one as the answer, which apparently is a tribute to the Harry Nilsson's song "One."

Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the universe and everything
Google Easter eggs
Google is omniscient. Even the "answer to the ultimate question of  life, the universe and everything" is known to Google. Just search Google for the above phrase and Google calculator will give you an answer. What are you waiting for? Just go to Google and find the true meaning of life.

[Pause to give you the time to search]

Surprised by the answer (42)? This is a reference to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, a popular show of the late seventies based on a novel by the same name. Google engineers surprised you with these tricks, didn't they?

3 ways to get rid of un-deletable files

There are times when certain files in your computerbecome undeletable because of some virus or any other reason. This means that the file cannot be deleted by simply clicking the delete button. Files usually become undeletable because of an active process that has an open handle to the file which prevents it from being deleted. Under most circumstances if you close down all running programs you’ll find that most files will then be free to delete, but that’s not always the case, and in some cases it may even be a trojan or other form of malware that’s preventing itself from being deleted. Now some undeletable files may not harm your computer but usually these type of undeletable files cause problem in proper functioning of an operating system. In this post am going to give some computer help and will share with you different ways of getting rid of such stubborn files :

  1. Open command Prompt window and leave it open.
  2. Close all running (active) programs.
  3. Click Start > Run.
  4. Key in “TASKMGR.EXE” (without quotes) in the Run window.
  5. Go to the Processes tab.
  6. End process Explorer.exe.
  7. Leave the Task Manager open.
  8. Go back to the Command Prompt window and change to the directory in which the undeletable file is located in.
  9. In the command prompt type “DEL <filename>”  (without quotes) where ‘filename’ is the file you wish to delete.
  10. Now go back to Task Manager.
  11. Click on File > New Task.
  12. Enter “EXPLORER.EXE” (without quotes) to restart the GUI shell.
  13. Close Task Manager.

And thats it ! You have deleted the file safely. Visit the directory in which the undeletable file was located to verify that the file has been deleted.

  1. Open Notepad.
  2. Click on File > Save As.
  3. Locate the folder where the undeletable file is located.
  4. Choose “All files” from the file type box.
  5. Click once on the file which you wish to delete so its name appears in the “filename” box.
  6. Put a ” at the start and end of the filename (it will overwrite it).
  7. Click on save.
  8. It will ask you to overwrite the existing file, then choose yes.

Now after doing so just locate the file and delete it as you delete any other file. The file will most probably be deleted.

  1. Click on Start > Run.
  2. Type “command” in Run dialog box.
  3. Go to the directory in which the undeletable file is located. [type: cd c:xyz (xyz stand for your folder)]
  4. Once you are in the folder in which the non-deletable file is. Type in “dir” (without quotes) a list will come up with every file inside.
  5. Now delete the file by entering the file name.

If you cannot access the folder because it has spaces. For example, Program Files, in this case you will have to type only the first 6 letters then put a ~ and then 1 without spaces. Example: cd c:progra~1
An example of how to delete the file using command prompt: If your file name was temp jerry.bmp you would type once in the specific folder thorugh command, del tempje~1.bmp and your file should be gone (Make sure to type in the correct extension).
NOTE: This method may not work for all types of files especially virus files. I therefore suggest you to first use Method 1 and Method 2 first

google i'm feeling lucky tricks & jokes

Google is the search engine of choice for most users. This is well represented by the fact that Google averages one billion unique visitors every month. A reason for this popularity is Google's characteristic to integrate simplicity with usability.

Another major reason for this popularity is Google's minimalistic homepage, which consists of a search bar and two buttons, Search and I'm Feeling Lucky. We all know what the search button does, it takes us to a search results page consisting of top ten results that match our query. The "I'm Feeling Lucky" button on the other hand takes you to the top ranking page in the search results for a particular query.

Im feeling lucky

Some webpages use this behavior to create some amazing and funny results. Here is a list of few such keywords that have some funny websites at the first position in Google. To use these tricks, open Google's homepage, type in the phrase and hit the I'm feeling lucky button. To use the I'm feeling lucky button, you have to disable Google Instant.

Google Gravity
I am feeling lucky, Google
The force of gravity is non-existent in cyber space. Google gravity makes you realize how Google would have been if gravity had been effective on the internet as well. Just type Google gravity in the search bar and press the I'm feeling lucky button. This will take you to the Google gravity page which, at first look, might appear to be the Google homepage itself. Wait for a few seconds and you will realize why this Chrome experiment is called Google gravity. Although the website lists it as a Chrome experiment, it works on Mozilla Firefox as well, although it does not work on IE8 and previous versions of IE.

Google Sphere
Want to see images on Google dance in circular motion? Google sphere is the phrase for that. This phrase will take you to the Google sphere Chrome experiment. Google sphere is a modified version of Image search that adds a bit of fun to your regular search. This Chrome experiment, just like the previous one, works on Chrome, Firefox and IE9.

Epic Google 
Epic Google will take you to a growing version of Google that will continue to increase in size until it becomes too large to read.
I'm feeling lucky tricks
Enable Pirate language in Google
Remember the Facebook Pirate language trick? Google too has their own pirate version to compete with that of Facebook's. Just use the Google Pirate phrase or directly head over to Google Pirate.

Google Rainbow
This phrase will take you to a Google search homepage in which each element changes its color rapidly to create the rainbow effect. The search result page obtained for queries is very annoying too as it contains a very loud color combination of red, blue and green. 

Annoying Google
Want to get annoyed while searching on Google? This one is for you. This phrase will take you to a Google search homepage with each word having alternate capital and small letters making everything a bit too hard to read.

Are you already familiar with the age old internet prank called rick-rolling and want to discover something new? Chicken rolling is for you. Try this new way of trapping unsuspecting internet users by typing the code 2204355 in the Google search box and hitting the "Lucky button."

LOL Limewire 
Type in LOL Limewire in Google and you will be taken to a .swf file claiming that you are a pirate and telling you to "do what you want cause a pirate is free." Funny!
Google funny feeling lucky tricks
Find Chuck Norris
This one is for all fans of Chuck Norris jokes. We all know that you don't find Chuck Norris, he finds you. The find Chuck Norris phrase proves the fact further.

Who is the cutest?
Want to know who is the cutest person in the world? Just use this phrase. This one will definitely make you smile.

Most of these websites are not owned by Google. They were created independently to achieve these effects. 

Another cool Easter egg - type "askew" in the search bar and the screen tilts to one side. It may not be as cool as snow on your computer screen but it is worth a try.
Google Easter eggs are nothing new though. A popular one, since early November, was the barrel roll trick - type "do a barrel roll" in the search bar and the screen takes a complete 360-degree tumble before your eyes.
These playful tricks make the festive season even more exciting.
Here are some hilarious comments, from Twitter, made by users:
"Search LET IT SNOW in Google. Touch tongue to screen. It'll stick like in A Christmas Story...Kidding! (You'll just get mercury poisoning.)," tweeted Artemis Loud.
Sumit tweeted: "I hate this Google, after every 15minutes my GF is asking me to search 'Let It Snow' and shouting 'aww: D it's so romantic.'"
Spartan wrote "@FlirtyJo I ordered snow online for the 23rd. Let's hope there is no delay in the delivery #HolidaySchedules."
Finally, another user, Carole Barrowman tweeted: "Type 'Let it snow' into Google. Watch your screen frost up. Same thing happens to my car windows. Somehow digitally it's way cooler."
‎1.Go to Google.

2.Type "Let it snow" and Press ENTER.

3.See What Happens :) B-) must do it!